Oldest school in Jordaan neighbourhood
At Theo Thijssenschool children first and foremost feel safe and appreciated. Team, children and parents work together on skills that we need now and in the future. This view on education was expressed by a visionary teacher: Theo Thijssen.
“My dear, sweet, troublesome lot, I really only know one thing: the year or so that I have you and you have me, we should just be a happy class. The rest is nonsense, though I’d never tell you that.”

Theo Thijssen (1879 – 1943)
From: ‘De gelukkige klas’ (The Happy Class)In 1947 Westerstraatschool was named after Theo Thijssen, who was born around the corner from the school (Eerste Leliedwarsstraat 16, now the Theo Thijssenmuseum). Theo Thijssenschool is the oldest school in De Jordaan, Amsterdam’s most beloved neighbourhood.
Our community
The ‘Theo Thijssen International Parents’ Whatsapp group helps new parents find their feet. We regularly organize coffee mornings and other meet-ups.
All parents are invited to chaperone school trips and help with activities in school. Don’t worry about not speaking Dutch yet: no matter your mother tongue you can assist with arts and crafts; walk children to the tram stop; read a book to ‘kleuters’ in your native language; cook a dish from your home country for the annual Christmas dinner or decorate the school for Sinterklaas!

Dutch or International School?
If you plan to stay in the Netherlands for more than 1-2 years, choosing a local Dutch public school like Theo Thijssenschool is a great option. Most of our 400 pupils (age 4-12) live within walking distance from the school, making it easy to arrange playdates, or to simply meet each other in the central playground (Noorderspeeltuin).
Approximately a third of the children starting at our school are ‘internationals’: their families recently arrived in the country and often don’t speak Dutch yet. Kleuters (age 4-6) learn the language through immersion in groep 1 and groep 2. Older children (age 6-12) go to an external newcomers class first and then join their peers in a regular class at Theo Thijssenschool (meaning: they usually don’t ‘lose’ a year).
Parents are encouraged to keep speaking their native language to their children, since we feel it positively impacts the socio-emotional development of children. A well-developed mother tongue also helps with learning another language, such as Dutch.

Academic results
We do not solely focus on test results, we mostly use tests to monitor a group’s or individual child’s progress so we can adjust to their needs. That said, Theo Thijssenschool pupils consistently ‘perform’ well above the national average in the final assessment in groep 8.
We welcome all children who are looking for a Dutch language education in a warm, but academically challenging environment.
We participate in the central lottery through which places in year 1 of primary school are allocated. You may join the lottery if you live in Amsterdam and your child is 3 years old. Please head over to our admissions page for more information. You will find information about or weekly English spoken tours there too.
If your child is 4 years old or over, you may apply for a place directly.
Fees and costs
Theo Thijssenschool, like most Dutch schools, is funded and monitored by the government. There is no tuition fee, only a voluntary parental contribution (€ 50 per year). The school uses this voluntary contribution (vrijwillige ouderbijdrage) budget to fund the annual Christmas party, decorate the school, buy books for the class libraries, art workshops, and many other activities. We ask parents to voluntarily contribute towards the cost of annual school trips and camps.
Children can go home during their lunch break, or stay at school under supervision (fee based), see below.
TSO (lunch supervision)
Almost all pupils bring their lunch to eat at school, supervised by volunteering parents. We ask parents to only send sandwiches, pasta or salad, no candy or cake.
After finishing their meal, children choose a fun activity inside the school building or at the playground outside. All activities are supervised by trained volunteers and professionals.
Preferred days can be indicated on the TSO registration form which you will receive from your teacher on your child’s first day of school. The costs are € 351,00 per school year for 4 days (Mo/Tu/Th/Fr – school year 2022/2023). Payments can be made annually, or every four months (October 1, January 1, April 1). Contact our coordinators to discuss financial aid or alternative payment schedules.
Our lunch break supervision (TSO) is organized by Caro Groenewoud (westerstraat@ttsa.nl) and Sefanja Tetelepta (tsoanjeliersstraat@ttsa.nl)
BSO (after school care)
In August 2022 we started a BSO (after school care) under our own management. Our goal is to create a home away from home, where children feel safe and seen.
Our managers, Miranda Lewis and Kim de Vries are both employed by OOadA, Theo Thijssen’s school board. Most of our employees work at Theo Thijssenschool as teaching aides in groep 1-4, and as BSO leaders after school. This unique arrangement benefits both childminders and children.
Our BSO has different contracts and is open at all school holidays and studiedagen, except for the first two weeks of the zomervakantie (summer holidays) in July/August, as well as the week between Christmas and New Year.
We have all the information you may need on our BSO page (in Dutch). You may of course also contact our BSO coordinators, Miranda and Kim, via bso@ttsa.nl
Registration via button below. Please be aware that sending in the form does not mean your child can be placed immediately, since we unfortunately have a waiting list. Our BSO coordinator will contact you to discuss placement.